Here's one for ya!....A stalking squirrel! This is one good reason to always keep a camera with you at all times. In this case, I had my digital SLR on the seat next to me while I pulled over to catch up on some paper work before returning to the office. I heard a commotion on the front of the vehicle and quickly grabbed the camera. Before I knew it, this evil looking little creature came up over the hood of my Jeep and began very deliberately, and slowly, creeping toward my windshield looking as though it had some very bad business on its mind....if the beast has a mind. It became somewhat agitated, clucking and snapping its tail. I quickly assumed that someone near this area had been feeding squirrels and this critter was expecting a handout. The thing finally jumped to the roof of the SUV and peered down into the driver's side window, still begging. Now if you read my older posts, you know my relationship with squirrels isn't pretty. This time, however, I decided to be more cooperative and I found some sunflower seeds in the console. It was a happy ending, and no I did not run him down when I was ready to leave. Actually, you'll see him (or her) eating in a future post. My Nikon once again proved its worth! (actually, any brand will do, and a film camera is fine too...just keep a camera handy for the unexpected shot like this one.)